
Download GradeSync

GradeSync will seamlessly add your Gradescope due dates to your Google Calendar

Download for Mac Download for Windows Setup instructions for Windows Setup instructions for Mac

For GradeSync to work, You must have Google Chrome installed on your computer.

Download Chrome

What does GradeSync do?

This application is designed to integrate Gradescope assignments seamlessly with your Google Calendar. By connecting your Gradescope account, the app will automatically sync your assignments, due dates, and deadlines directly to your Google Calendar. This ensures that you never miss an important assignment or deadline again.


How to set it up (Mac)

  1. Ensure you Download Chrome
  2. Download GradeSync
  3. Open the app. If you see this warning, it's because the app is not from the App Store. Open GradeSync by right-clicking the app and pressing "Open."

  4. A second message appears, similar to the first, but this time you're offered an "Open" button. Click "Open."
  5. The process should be straigtforward from here. Sign in to your Google account when prompted.
  6. Fill out your Gradescope credentials when prompted.

How to set it up (Windows)

  1. Download GradeSync
  2. Run the executable. Note that you will recieve a prompt that prevents the program from running. To bypass this click on More info then Run anyways
  3. Windows Warning1 Windows Warning2
  4. Sign in to your Google account when prompted.
  5. Fill out your Gradescope credentials when prompted.
Done! Your Gradescope assignments will now be synced to your Google Calendar.